§ 6-1. Requirements in R-1 single-family residential, R-2 multi-family residential, R-3 mobile home residential and AG agricultural districts:  

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  • Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this ordinance uses permitted in the R-1, R-2, R-3 and AG zoning districts shall conform to the following standards:


    Minimum total lot area per dwelling unit for R-1, R-2, and R-3:


    Single-family (detached) dwellings: Six thousand (6,000) square feet; provided however that homes in areas designated for traditional neighborhood development may be established with four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet of lot area per dwelling.


    Multi-family dwelling: One thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet per unit. Where common parking is provided, the minimum lot area may be reduced to one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet.


    Manufactured home: Six thousand (6,000) square feet per home,


    Manufactured home park: Three (3) acres.


    Other principal uses: Not applicable.


    Minimum total lot area AG:


    Four (4) acres.


    Other principal uses: Not applicable.


    R-1 single-family and AG agricultural (detached) dwelling requirements:


    Front yards:


    The street (front yard) setback requirements of this ordinance shall not apply on any lot where fifty (50) per cent or more of the frontage between two (2) intersecting streets or within two hundred (200) feet on each side of such lot is improved with buildings that are set back from the street line or where all of the buildings, though occupying less than fifty (50) per cent but more than twenty (20) per cent of such frontage, are set back from the street line. In such cases the average alignment of the existing buildings shall be the minimum setback line. For the purpose of this ordinance, the frontage along the side line of a corner lot is excluded.


    On a street frontage between two (2) intersecting streets but excluding the frontage along the side line of a corner lot, where not more than twenty (20) per cent of such frontage is improved with buildings that are built at the street line and where the provisions of subdivision (1) of this subsection do not create a minimum setback line from the street shall be twenty (20) per cent of the average normal depth of the lots having their front lines along such street frontage; such distance back from the street need not be more than forty (40) feet but shall be at least twenty (20) feet. For the purpose of this section, porches and steps are considered to be a part of the main body of the house and may not encroach within the front yard setback. Detached accessory use structures are not permitted in front-yards.


    Side yards:


    For every building erected, there shall be a side yard along each lot line other than a street line or rear line, each side yard to have a minimum width of five (5) feet measured from the main body of the house to the property line; provided, however, that on newly subdivided lots zoned R-1, or used for single-family residential purposes the minimum side yard set-back for one (1) side yard shall be at least ten (10) feet. For the purpose of this section, porches, decks, covered patios, HVAC units, and steps are considered to be a part of the main body of the house. All dimensions to be computed from the property line. This change will only apply to single-family residential uses and lots where development begins after the effective date of this ordinance. This change shall not apply to substandard lots of record.


    Where a side yard abuts a street, the minimum side yard along the street shall be at least ten (10) per cent of the width of the lot; provided, however, that on lots zoned R-1, or used for single-family residential purposes the minimum side yard set-back for one (1) side yard shall be at least ten (10) foot.


    The ten (10) feet side yard setback on one (1) side for newly created lots will only apply to single-family residential uses and lots where development begins after the effective date of this ordinance. This change shall not apply to substandard lots of record.


    Only attached accessory use structures shall only be allowed in side yards.


    Rear yards:


    Every building erected shall have a rear yard. In a class R-1 district the least dimension of a rear yard shall be at least fifteen (15) per cent of the depth of the lot; but such least dimension need not be more than thirty (30) feet. Forty (40) per cent of the area of the rear yard may be occupied by a one-story accessory building not more than eighteen (18) feet in height to the ridge, or the height of the existing residence, whichever is less, and at least six (6) feet from any structure and three (3) feet from any interior line.


    Maximum lot occupancy: Sixty-five (65) per cent.


    R-2 district, multi-family residential:


    Front yards:


    The minimum front yard depth for buildings in multi-family districts shall be twenty (20) feet;


    The minimum front yard depth for town and row houses is twenty-five (25) feet on interior units. A minimum twenty (20) foot setback shall be required on end units where automobile parking or storage within the residence with entry from the front. If parking can be accommodated on the end or rear of units or on property held in common by the townhouse development owners having adequate access to a dedicated public street, the front setback may be reduced to ten (10) feet.


    Side yards:


    The minimum side-yard depth for buildings in multi-family districts shall be (ten) 10 feet.


    For row-houses or townhouses, a side yard at least ten (10) feet in width shall be provided between the end of a row and a side lot line or side street line.


    Rear yards:


    The rear yard setback in the R-2 district shall not be less than twenty (20) feet. Forty (40) per cent of the area of the rear yard may be occupied by a one-story accessory building not more than eighteen (18) feet in height to the ridge, or the height of the existing residence, whichever is less, and at least six (6) feet from any structure and three (3) feet from any interior line.


    For row-houses or townhouses, the rear yard depth shall be at least twenty (20) feet from the main building line to the rear property line. Such measurements shall be made without regard to attached or detached storage, utility or covered patio areas. There shall be added to the above requirements an additional ten (10) feet of rear yard depth where automobiles are parked or stored in the rear yard.


    When townhouses or row-houses are located within a district (overlay or otherwise) requiring buffers, the minimum required setbacks shall be equal to the greater of (i) the required buffer plus five (5) feet; or (ii) the setbacks otherwise specified within this or other sections of the Zoning Code.


    Lot width:


    For townhouses or row-houses, the minimum width of the portion of the lot on which each town house unit is to be constructed shall be eighteen (18) feet. Where common parking is provided, the minimum lot width may be reduced to fourteen (14) feet. Where side yards are required, the minimum lot width shall be increased accordingly.


    Maximum lot occupancy: Seventy (70) per cent.


    R-3 mobile/manufactured homes: The following standards shall apply to any newly developed manufactured home site or manufactured home park. Parks and home sites approved prior to the adoption of this section remain subject to the standards under which they were originally approved.


    Front yards:


    Each individual mobile/manufactured home shall be at least twenty (20) feet from the right-of-way of any street or drive providing common circulation. For the purpose of this section, an attached porch, steps, carport or garage shall be considered the main body of the home.


    Side yards:


    Each individual mobile/manufactured home shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet from any other dwelling unit. In the case of a single the mobile/manufactured home on a lot of record or in a mobile home park space, the side yard shall be ten (10) feet measured from the main body of mobile/manufactured home park space. For the purpose of this section, an attached porch, steps, carport or garage shall be considered the main body of the home. All dimensions to be computed from the property line.


    Rear yards:


    In a class R-3 district, the rear yard shall be fifteen (15) feet from the manufactured home to the rear property line or mobile home space. For the purpose of this section, an attached porch, steps, carport or garage shall be considered the main body of the home. Forty (40) per cent of the area of the rear yard may be occupied by a one-story accessory building not more than eighteen (18) feet in height to the ridge, or the height of the existing residence, whichever is less, and at least six (6) feet from any structure and three (3) feet from any interior line. An accessory building shall not be used as a dwelling.


    Maximum lot occupancy: Sixty-five (65) per cent.


    Special provisions for garden and cluster units in R-1 and R-2 zoning districts:


    Maximum dwelling unit density: The maximum dwelling unit density shall not exceed ten (10) units per acre including any such property dedicated for public use or ownership in common, excluding dedicated public roads.


    Per cent of lot occupancy: No dwelling unit may occupy more than fifty (50) per cent of a lot. This does not include attached or detached utility, storage, garage, or a covered patio area that may protrude from the main building line.


    Side yard requirements: A minimum side yard of five (5) feet shall be provided on one (1) side and a minimum of ten (10) feet shall be provided on the other side yard.


    Clothes lines: All yard areas used for the drying of clothes shall be screened from view of the adjoining yards and lots.


    Parking: Two (2) parking spaces shall be provided on the site of the garden or cluster housing unit.


    Material to be submitted for planning commission review: All applicants for garden and cluster housing developments for site in R-1 single-family areas designated for traditional neighborhood development shall first submit site plans including details such as number, location, and orientation of dwelling units; plans for off-street parking and service areas; ingress and egress arrangements with a copy of the legal documentation for common ownership and public ownership to the zoning department for review and recommendation to the planning commission. The commission, after due consideration at a public meeting, is hereby authorized and empowered to approve the said plans. garden and cluster developments proposed in R-2 multi-family zoning districts shall be submitted to the zoning department for review and do not require planning commission review or approval.


    Landscape plan: In class R-2 and R-3 districts a landscape plan must be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. The landscape plan must meet the buffering requirements set forth elsewhere within this article.

(Ord. No. 1985-17, 3-28-85; Ord. No. 1995-52, 10-24-95; Ord. No. 1996-46, 8-22-96; Ord. No. 1997-32, 5-22-97; Ord. No. 1998-51, 5-28-98; Ord. No. 1998-85, 9-24-98; Ord. No. 1998-107, 12-22-98; Ord. No. 2005-21, 4-28-05; Ord. No. 2006-10, 3-23-06; Ord. No. 2007-75, 10-25-07; Ord. No. 2009-50, 9-24-09)